Top-Flight Legal Services. . .
Legal representation involves (1) consultation (2) analysis and (3) resolution of your matter. During your first appointment you will want to ask about costs, decide whether you and the attorney can communicate effectively and decide whether the attorney has the necessary expertise to do a top flight job for you.
During your initial consultation you will want to discuss costs. Dave understands that prospective clients are not always comfortable discussing fees upfront.
During your first appointment you should be prepared to explain the facts concerning your matter, including names and dates. Bring relevant documents and Dave will do an overview with you. If your matter is complicated, he may offer to assist you in deciding how to move forward.
“The key to quality representation is thorough, accurate legal analysis which is why attorneys are referred to as ‘glorified researchers.”
Dave is a general practitioner with expertise in listed areas of practice. Whether you are seeking a legal opinion, in need of a drafted letter or document, or representation in a legal dispute, attending your appointment is important.